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Rachel Coker

Rachel Coker
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4.02 of 5 Votes: 4
Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.07

Books by Rachel Coker


Interrupted: A Life Beyond Words (2012)

I not only enjoyed Interrupted: A Life Beyond Words but my 14 year old daughter loved it as well. I have passed it on to the local school to add to their books as I think other students would enjoy and learn from reading this book. Would like to read more from Rachel Coker. 4 stars from me!My rat...

Interrupted: A Life Beyond Words (2012) by Rachel Coker

Chasing Jupiter (2012)

What an amazing book!!! The fact that two people (neither of which were the main character) had some mental illness' kinda put me off at first because they were kinda you know weird....but the story of Scarlett I loved! her struggle and then just realization of who she really needed..God. Plus th...

Chasing Jupiter (2012) by Rachel Coker

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