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Brida (2015)

Brida (2015)

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9504915248 (ISBN13: 9789504915249)

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من اسوء الامور التي تحدث حين يشتهر كاتب معين برواية معينة من المفترض انها الذروة التي وصل لها ادبيا وفكريافتتم ترجمتها لسبعتلاف لغة وكذلك بقية اعماله....فيتم بذل مجهود لا فائدة له في ترجمة اعمال لا تستحق....ببساطة لان شهرة الكاتب وعمله الناجح لا يعني بالضرورة ان كل اعماله على نفس المستوى وان كلها تستحق مجهود ترجمتهابل ان هناك العديد والعديد من الاعمال التي كانت تستحق ان تترجم اولى بكثير من هذا العمل الفاشلهو العامل الثالث الذي اقرأه لباولو كويلو قرأت له الخيميائي وفيرونكا تقرر ان تموت والروايتان اثارا اعجابي لكن هذه الرواية فشل ذريع من كل ناحيةلو انها كانت اول عمل لكاتب مبتدئ لقلت له ان يعتزل الكتابة....او على الاقل لخفت ان اقرأ له مجددا...ليست مشكلة العمل هي الترجمة الرديئة فقط...ياليت كانت هذه هي المشكلة فانا اعرف كيف افرق بين تلقي العمل وافكاره بعيدا عن اللغة والاسلوب لكن المشكلة في رواية بريدا والتي من اول عنوانها حتى اخر كلمة فيها بالبلدي كدة مفيهاش حاجة صحالبطولة في الرواية مقسمة بين بريدا وويكا معلمتها ومعلمها المجوسي ولورنس...اربع شخصيات...وموضوع رئيسي يدورون في فلكه...فلم يكن مفهوما بالنسبة لي تسمية الرواية على اسم احد الابطال لان الرواية ليست بطولتها المطلقةلكن ما علينالا بأس ان تناول كاتب ما محتوى تافه او فكره مكررة بالنسبة لي ان كان قد تناولها بشكل جديد ومشوق...لكن المشكلة ان الفكرة مكررة لا جديد فيها...توأم الروح علم الحياة والاسرار والسحر وغيرها...تناولها الكاتب في روايته بشكل جعلها تبدو كلام اطفال فارغمع ان الموضوع يمكن ان يتناول بشكل اقوى واكثر عمقا ولكن لا ادري لماذا اختار الكاتب هذه الطريقة الفجة في التفاهة في تناول الموضوعالفصول غير مترابطة اطلاقا وترتيب الاحداث يجعلك تشعر ان الرواية كاملة عبارة عن فوضى عارمة وكأن الكاتب كتبها على فترات طويلة متباعدة ليس فيها اي نوع من انواع التماسكلم يكن هناك وصف للشخصيات...الشخصيات كانت تشبه الدمى باسماء فقط ليس هناك اي فرق بينهم وليس هناك تصور واضح لملامحهم....ليس هناك وصف للاماكن....الرواية تدور كاملة في ايرلندا وعاصمتها دوبلن...وهي دولة غنية بالاشياء التي يمكن وصفها....لو كان الكاتب قد حذف اسم الدولة وكتب اي دولة لما شعر القارئ بفرق ببساطة لان الكاتب لم يضع اي لمسة في الرواية تخص المكان لتجعلنا نشعر بمعنى اختياره لهذه الدولة بالذات في الاحداثالنهاية التي جعلت مرارتي على وشك الانفجار...الحوار المتوقع جدا والذي تشعر انه كله مأخوذ من مسلسل قد شاهدته ملايين المراتاحداث كثيرة غير مبررة وردود افعال في مواقف كثيرة غير مناسبة اصلا للشخصيات وغير منطقيةالحقيقة رواية سيئة بكل المقاييس وبالرغم انها 260 صفحة فقط تعتبر ليست كبيرة اشعرتني ان الايام والساعات لا تمرنادمة جدا على قراءتي لها

"How will I know who my Soulmate is?" Indeed, we are all looking for something. Someone to love, someone who loves us, something that adds meaning to our life, our existence. Some sign, to know we are not alone. Some indication to know that our thoughts, feelings, memories, will not die with us when our physical body perishes. Brida addresses all this and much more. The story is presented as a young woman's quest to find answers - to questions that mean the world to her. Questions, which if we introspect, come to us as well, albeit in different paraphrasing. Its not the story in itself as much as its elements - the progression of the human soul, with all its elements (feelings, memories, experiences, people around us, thoughts, actions, choices) through time, is portrayed like a charcoal sketch - black and white, stark, with elements of the distinct unknown in various shades. The rituals and the steps culminating in a merry Sabbath party, the Tradition of the Sun and the Tradition of the moon, the four forms of expression of the self, and the ultimate epicenter of the book - The Gift (Yes, we all have one, even if we do not carry a 2 pronged dagger, or remember who we were in the 12th century).There are no fancy characters and descriptions. Brida, Magus, Wicca and Lorens. There are vivid guest appearances, but the simplicity of the cast makes the book more profound. It does have a love story, even a love triangle (make that 2), the whole book is supported by a spine consisting of the Occult, and yet to me it was not a fantasy story. This is definitely not a comparison, but if a certain JK Rowling makes the term "witch" seem innocent,cute and funny, the Coelho adds an ethereal beauty to the word. I haven't been able to read any comments or feedback about the Portuguese version, but this translation does deserve an ovation.Pick it up, if you believe in signs. Pick it up, if you think you are alone in finding that elusive something or someone that adds meaning to your life. Pick it up, if you simply want to believe that there is a bigger world waiting out for you when you die. that you are not alone in your journey through time, whether in your current physical body or out of it. P.S: I also especially love the part where the women are standing naked, and do not feel ashamed of their bodies, irrespective of its flaws or perfections, because it is theirs as a facilitator to view this life through a physical form.P.P.S. : One thing about this book, though, it has too many references to God. Being borderline Agnostic myself, it was slightly uncomfortable to digest, but it makes equal sense if viewed through a Spiritual perspective also, instead of a merely Relegious one.

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Blank toilet paper is more gripping to read, with a better plot.Wow. This "book" was so bad that I joined Goodreads just to get it out of my system. I had a pretty good idea that this was bilge from the cover, but I picked it up and skimmed thru it anyway. It exceeded my worst expectations, and mine were pretty low to begin with. Forgive the swear words, but really.The whole thing is some random shit about love and soulmates... err, sorry, make that Love and Soul Mates, because Coelho wants Every Damn Thing in caps, to make it sound all Significant and Important and Mysterious and bull. Gah. *rinses mouth* Its a huge bad-book-LOL-read, because I read it in the bookstore and everyone was wondering if I was reading a joke book. I mean, in the first sentence (or para), it is explained that some old dude named Magnus laid eyes on this Brida chick and Found That She Was His Soul Mate. Wow. (How Very Significant and Ho Ho Ho, The Reader Will Be Gripped To Death And Will Totally Want To Read On. Kaboom.) And this Brida woman is supposed to be Irish, but I can't see anything very Irish (or human, or realistic, or remotely interesting) about her. Huh.This "book" is full of some incredibly dull crap about Love and Magic (involving no magic, but some dumb-as-shit and boring-as-hell rituals) and Souls and Mates... on and on. Trees are crying cause of this pointless waste of paper. And guess what the Big Baddd Climax of the story is? (I'm NOT spoiler tagging this, because it doesn't begin to start to deserve it.) Was it a) a murderer unmasked? b) some philosophical truth, some insight?c) even two people kissing? even that?Not even close. It was some shit about Brida trying to clear her wardrobe (cause of some vibration bullshit)... and then saying "never mind". And for those who read books solely to enjoy "sex scenes", don't bother. There's some vague and meandering mention of someone sleeping with someone in the middle of a rainbow in a forest filled with unicorns and bubbles... nobody knows why. Even the characters don't - they freely admit it. Also, Brida finds some Wicca woman sexy... in a vague, meandering way, of course. Ooooh. Scandalous. Guaranteed to make soccer moms squeal. (Take that, Fifty Shades!)I've seen comic book characters (who are by definition two-dimensional) with far, far better personalities than these unfathomably dull bores. In so many books, I've met characters I've loved, characters I've rooted for, even characters I've hated and wanted to destroy (like any good villain). But these guys? They bring out all the apathy I never knew I had. I can't even begin to care enough to hate them, or even dislike them. They are so vague and dreamy... even dream people have more personality than these.Bottom line - read it only to laugh at its absurdity. For those misguided critters who claim that this is "Philosophy" or "Romance"... *shakes head out of pity*... it is NOT. Sorry, buddy. You ought to be embarrassed to like such things, let alone consider them profound or meaningful. This is vague, meandering, meaningless claptrap, not an insightful, intentionally slow paced, thought-provoking story.Borrrow it if you really do need something to beat your insomnia, but don't pay for it.
—Nom Deplume

.ربي ساعدني كي افهم ان كل الأشياء الرائعة التي تصادفني في الحياة ،تجئ لأني استحقها فعلاً"ساعدني كي افهم ان ما يدفعني للبحث عن حقيقتك إنما هو القوم نفسها التي دفعت القديسين،وان الشكوك التي تراودني هي نفسها الشكوك التي راودت القديسين، والعنف الذي ينتابني هو عنف القديسين نفسه.ساعدني كي اتحلي بالتواضع المطلوب، وكي اتقبل اني لست مختلفة عن سائر البشر"ولكن ماذا لو التقينا اكثر من شق روح واحد في الحياة الواحدة؟!باولو كويلو من اقرب الناس لقلبي ،دايما قادر انه يفاجئني في كل كتاب ،باحس انه قادر يتلون ويبقي كاتب تاني في كل كتاب بقراه ليه.بريدا خدت حتة من قلبي ،بالسؤال الابدي "من انا؟"الكتاب ممتع وجميل بوابة لعالم تاني من السحر والخيال وتلاقي الارواح "كم اني افتقدت لمجرد اني خفت ان افقد"

My first Paulo - "The Alchemist" was very inspiring and motivating, but this book is very different.First off, the story-line is brilliant - searching for a Soul-mate.But, as the books progresses, it tends to go off track in certain places. When Brida falls into her first trance, somehow she stops caring about finding her soulmate and for a time, The Magus is forgotten and then again the story goes back to him. It all seems very vaguely connected.As a reader, you don't really experience the emotions of the character,something which was very different when compared to "The Alchemist". It takes quite some time, to absorb all the various lessons and thoughts which went into each sentence, and then more time to knit them all together. There are some places, where I found I could relate to Brida, but not many.On the other hand, it was enlightening to learn something different. Witches, rituals, traditions and then the concept of love is very clearly explained. Each character in the story is very interesting, with their own personal pasts and different beliefs and although, it is cumbersome to read, it makes you gently understand each level and actually live through each page of the book.On the whole, reading the book....was a very different experience.A book, that needs to be read more than once, to actually grasp its true meaning.
—Angelica Watson (psst! amrutha)

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