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Boys And Girls Together (2001)

Boys and Girls Together (2001)

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3.7 of 5 Votes: 1
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0345439732 (ISBN13: 9780345439734)
ballantine books

About book Boys And Girls Together (2001)

I picked this up from the bathroom bookshelf in the furnished apartment where I was staying, and I think there was a reason it was in there. It seems barely better than reading a shampoo bottle. Many of the reviewers mention that it was a meaningful book when they read it as a teenager, and I can understand how it might have been, considering its examination of adult interactions. As an adult, however, I found the book a rather boring and depressing look at relationships. The characters are also very dated; they talk like actors in 1940's films, with a false air about them. I struggle through this book trying to determine why anyone would could consider it a classic. I haven't read anything else by Goldman, but if his other novels are similar, I suggest he should have stuck with writing screenplays. If you enjoyed this book as a teen it may have some nostalgic value, but otherwise I recommend you skip this one.

I really like William Goldman. He is a natural born writer. He has a gift for humor, dialogue and a keen insight into human nature, all of which are much in evidence in this novel. One thing that is lacking here is a satisfying conclusion. I don't want to give out any spoilers but I feel it was very contrived and overwrought and unconvincing. The rest of the book was fine (with the exception of the interminable chapters involving Jenny and Charley's relationship. That plot line was cliched and repetitive and quite dull.)I did enjoy this book overall, particularly all of the sections involving the antihero, Aaron. It has a lot to offer. I certainly wouldn't trudge through a seven hundred plus page book if it wasn't good. But I felt it was overlong with a mediocre climax that left me feeling cheated (is that all there is?) . I would have to say the sum of its parts is greater than the whole.

Do You like book Boys And Girls Together (2001)?

A series of great character studies and converging plotlines that, sadly, end up going nowhere. The main characters are all very likable, and especially Rudy's generational saga is thrilling - some of the chapters drag on for too long, but the emotional impact is very strong throughout the story. It's a shame the novel ends with absolutely nothing - no big resolution, no reveal, just the characters destroying themselves. Perhaps it's a commentary on something, but I wasn't able to see it. In any case, Goldman's take on homosexual relationships is interesting and very accurately and respectfully reflects attitudes that were present when he wrote it. Overall, it's nice to read another LGBT novel from Goldman along with "Marathon Man" and its sequel "Brothers", and his typical writing style is used wonderfully.

Goldman writes young people well. As they age, he seems to lose it. I like his deadpan dialog:“Hey, George.”“Watcha got?”“Looks broke.”“Is.”“Hey, you enlisting today?”“Flat feet.”“Oh. Sorry, P.T.”“Can I use the toolroom?”“Why not.”and this:“Mother...”“Who are you?”“Rosie...”“Do I know you?”“Please, Mother...”“You look like somebody I think died.”“I’m sorry.”“Are you dead?”“Please, I’m sorry.”“Are you dead? Huh?”“Mother...?”“Huh?”“I’m alive.”“Again.”“I’m alive.”“Louder.”“I’m alive.”“That’s my baby.”

If I'd stopped reading after the chapters about the characters' childhoods, I would have given it five stars, I think. But it really went downhill for me. The children all grew up into fairly damaged and unlikeable adults. The most likeable was the one we knew the least. And the female characters were described primarily in terms of their sexual attractiveness and desire (or lack thereof). My favorite part was Rudy's childhood relationship with his grandfather, the only person in his life who wanted nothing from him. That was beautiful. It reminded me of the grandfather and grandson in The Princess Bride.

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