Man, William Goldman makes himself out to be a real asshole. He's so irritating, in fact, that after a two-week break away from Adventures in the Screen Trade I cashed in with over 100 pages left, because I couldn't stand the thought of going back to have him bitch at me like my worst film school...
I'll start this off by saying I love movies penned by William Goldman.I'll also say that, for my money, the novel of The Princess Bride is funnier than the movie.So with those two things in mind, join me as I walk through the economically depressed streets of San Pedro, CA. I'm there with a frie...
My stepdaughter laid this on me, from a yard sale. I had seen the trailer for the movie back there in the 70's and it looked REALLY creepy, plus this is from the author of "Marathon Man" and "The Princess Bride," among others. This tells of a failing magician, Corky Withers, who adds a ventriloqu...
Few thriller-fans today may have ever read the original book which William Goldman wrote in the early 70s --from which, this much-later work I'm now going to describe to you--is the sequel. The earlier book redefined the thriller genre; was adapted into a fine movie (by the author himself, thankf...
I am currently writing this review, having stayed up all night with the beginnings of a cold, and being sick from something I ate yesterday.Unfortunately, I live on my own and both my male grandparents are no longer with us, so I didn't get to sit up in bed and listen to S. Morgenstern's classic ...
Удоволствие! И втория път я изгълтах неусетно. Странното е, че за осем години съвсем бях забравила какво се случва, въпреки че отново ми харесва със същата сила. Взех я на заем - любимата книга на най-добрия ми приятел; сега си я купих за два лева на старо. Тогава я четох до четири сутринта, този...
For most of the book, I felt myself a tad dismayed. It didn't seem to be one of his better conceptions. But, happily--I was in error. I was a dope. Only a dope ever doubts William Goldman's competency. Never, ever, 'second-guess' Goldman. The dude is just OUT THERE. He never lets a reader down. E...
I picked this up from the bathroom bookshelf in the furnished apartment where I was staying, and I think there was a reason it was in there. It seems barely better than reading a shampoo bottle. Many of the reviewers mention that it was a meaningful book when they read it as a teenager, and I ca...
I honestly had no clue what Marathon Man was about before I started reading it. I started a book club when I moved to Seattle a year ago and each month we pick a new genre and roll with it. We picked thriller/suspense for January and then looked to see what the mostly highly shelved and rated boo...