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Born Of Fire (2012)

Born of Fire (2012)

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Compass Press

About book Born Of Fire (2012)

This is a short novella that is a prequel to The Secret of Spruce Knoll: A Channeler Novel. I have the novel but have yet to read it, figuring that one should probably start at the beginning when possible. Although doing it this way I don't know who the characters are yet, I do know that I already care about the character now and want to read the novel to find out what happens to him next!This novella is very well written. It did a great job of showcasing the authors writing style and gave the reader a glimpse of what they would get if they took the time to read the next book (The Secret of Spruce Knoll). It was fast paced, exciting, pulled you right into the story, and left you wanting more. This is exactly what this sort of short novella should do. I'm looking forward to the full length novel. (I won a copy of this book! Thanks to Giselle at Xpresso reads, and Heather McCorkal!)This book is a short story split into two halves. The first half tells the story of Shannon and Kevan, a pair of warrior druids from Ireland. Shannon is heavily pregnant, and Kevan is worried that someone wants to harm the baby, as there is a prophecy surrounding him. Shannon and Kevan pack their car and try to leave before they are found, but are chased and run off the road, and then killed, as Shannon is giving birth to the baby – Aidan.The second half of the story is set 16 years later, and gives an insight into Aidan’s life following his parent’s death. Aidan’s life is anything but ideal, as he suffers at the hands of his adoptive father.This short story is just a little taste of Aidan’s story, which is continued in ‘The secret of spruce knoll’. The opening story about his parent’s death is intense and moving, and makes you want to know more about Aidan and the prophecy surrounding him.I don’t usually like short stories, but I think that this is probably a nice start and worth reading if you are interested in the series.7 out of 10.(Book length: 411 Kindle Locations)

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I have not yet read any of McCorkle's books, but this little taste has me curious for more.

there's no point reading this! it's over before it gets going

Fabulous addition to the series. LOVED IT!

i loved it.

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