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Heather McCorkle

Heather McCorkle
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.86

Books by Heather McCorkle


The Secret of Spruce Knoll (2011)

This book was absolutely positively divine! Oh my goodness. My mom introduced me to this book because I was needing a book to read. So, obviously I was going to read it. My mother's recommendations are never wrong. After all she knows my book tastes. I've lived with her for 14 years.Eren just wan...

The Secret of Spruce Knoll (2011) by Heather McCorkle

Born of Fire (2012)

This is a short novella that is a prequel to The Secret of Spruce Knoll: A Channeler Novel. I have the novel but have yet to read it, figuring that one should probably start at the beginning when possible. Although doing it this way I don't know who the characters are yet, I do know that I alread...

Born of Fire (2012) by Heather McCorkle

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