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Birthday Pet, The (2009)

Birthday Pet, The (2009)

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3.74 of 5 Votes: 4
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0761455221 (ISBN13: 9780761455226)
Two Lions

About book Birthday Pet, The (2009)

A lighthearted and fun story to read to the students and connect to them. You can talk to the students about presents that they have gotten for the birthday and how they felt about them. The students love to share about presents that they have gotten and even bring them in and show them. Who knows what kind of stories the students will tell about presents that they have gotten. Expanding off of just talking about it you can have the students write about a gift they want or can give to someone. This is a very cute story about finding the perfect pet for you. This little boy does a lot of research and knows just what pet he wants for his birthday. His family insists on giving him their own perfect pets, but in the end, everyone is happy. It's a terrific story to read aloud, with a suspenseful rhyme that alludes to the next pet. Our girls happily finished the rhyme for me as we read it aloud and I can imagine that this would work well for a storytime with a larger group, too. The illustrations are fabulous and we love the hints that help us to guess the next pet. We really enjoyed reading this story together and our girls each read this book independently as well.

Do You like book Birthday Pet, The (2009)?

I've read this before, but thought I would review it as a pretty darn good storytime book.

This is a lesson that we all need to learn; listen to those we love and care for!

What a cute story

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