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Ellen Javernick

Ellen Javernick
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.86

Books by Ellen Javernick


What If Everybody Did That? (2010)

This story follows a young boy who's curiousity gets the best of him and he's forced to consider the consequences of his actions. To many children, throwing a snowball at a friend or not hanging up their jacket on the hook may seem like minor things. But when the adults in the story ask him, “Wha...

What If Everybody Did That? (2010) by Ellen Javernick

Birthday Pet, The (2009)

A lighthearted and fun story to read to the students and connect to them. You can talk to the students about presents that they have gotten for the birthday and how they felt about them. The students love to share about presents that they have gotten and even bring them in and show them. Who know...

Birthday Pet, The (2009) by Ellen Javernick

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