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Benjamin Bear In Fuzzy Thinking (2011)

Benjamin Bear in Fuzzy Thinking (2011)

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3.79 of 5 Votes: 3
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1935179128 (ISBN13: 9781935179122)
Toon Books

About book Benjamin Bear In Fuzzy Thinking (2011)

My four year old is entranced by Benjamin Bear, and not just because the quadruped shares his name. These easy-to-follow beginning reader books work better than most comic formats as read-alouds for pre-readers, and the expressive but quirky characters lend themselves to childish retelling. This is one of the books he will pull out and 'read' to himself, rather than asking for someone to read it to him. He's especially fond of the snow episodes. There are some practical jokes pulled by characters on each other that Mommy disapproves of, but certainly fewer than those in the Trucktown series. Many of these cartoon panels are hilarious, and readers will either groan in agony or laugh out loud. Benjamin is a pretty serious bear, and he approaches life in a serious fashion. Whether he's using his body to block the snow or enlisting a bunny friend to dry his dishes with his fur, grazing his way through the grocery store, he provides a unique perspective on everything. Young readers will find it challenging to figure out some of the punch lines in some of these panesl,

Do You like book Benjamin Bear In Fuzzy Thinking (2011)?

Comic strip style book. Each page tells one complete joke. Entertaining. Hope students will like it.

I liked this book because it had two of my favorite things - fishing and funny pictures!

Very cute and simple comics that made me laugh.

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