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Philippe Coudray

Philippe Coudray
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Books by Philippe Coudray


Benjamin Bear in Bright Ideas (2013)

Been trying to beef up my graphic novel smarts..and this was such a fun, fast read. Each page features Benjamin Bear in a new, creative predicament..having to figure something out in his own way. It's a fantastically sweet recommendation for boys and girls & adults alike. I've seen both laugh out...

Benjamin Bear in Bright Ideas (2013) by Philippe Coudray

Benjamin Bear in Fuzzy Thinking (2011)

My four year old is entranced by Benjamin Bear, and not just because the quadruped shares his name. These easy-to-follow beginning reader books work better than most comic formats as read-alouds for pre-readers, and the expressive but quirky characters lend themselves to childish retelling. This ...

Benjamin Bear in Fuzzy Thinking (2011) by Philippe Coudray

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