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Before The Clock Strikes Thirty (2014)

Before the Clock Strikes Thirty (2014)

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3.84 of 5 Votes: 1
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Covenant Communications

About book Before The Clock Strikes Thirty (2014)

This was a fun, easy read, very likable characters, though the plot was nothing new. Aubrey Mace is great at writing dialogue, which I really appreciate. My only real complaint is the abrupt ending; I could have done with just a little bit more of a wrap up. After all the weddings they attended, I thought we'd get at least some reference to the main characters having their own. Would definitely recommend. So.... I went into this book with extremely low expectations. Not that I had previously heard anything about it, but because books of this particular genre (Mo-fic chick-lit, as we called it back when I was in the book business) are typically WAY too corny for me. That having been said, I enjoyed this book. It was fun. Good, clean fun. Frustrating at times, but just in the way that dating can be frustrating in real life. The characters were believable; they actually could have been real people, which is not something that you always get with these kinds of books. It was a pretty quick read; I read it in just a few hours. But it kept me engaged the whole time, so I didn't want to put it down. The story was predictable, but fun and lighthearted. And I loved the love-interest. My only only complaint was that it ended so abruptly. I would recommend this to a friend. (And, considering the title, that means a lot coming from someone that is 28 and not married. Ha ha.) Fun read!

Do You like book Before The Clock Strikes Thirty (2014)?

Fun, romantic comedy. A mention of the LDS church, but not really religious. Loved the laughs.

Can I make a "So Bad It's Good" rating? Because this would fit right in there.

Witty characters with an original plot line. It was a delight.

Awesome book! Good to the very end!

nice predictable LDS chick lit

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