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Aubrey Mace

Aubrey Mace
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3.75 of 5 Votes: 1
Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.67

Books by Aubrey Mace


My Fairy Grandmother (2009)

I loved this book! I've heard if it sells enough copies she can publish the sequel, which I would LOVE to read, even though this novel is awesome on its own. :)I would rate this book for ages 12 and up- it is exactly my kind of story: just enough fantasy to make me forget I'm sitting in a house ...

My Fairy Grandmother (2009) by Aubrey Mace


"Everyone comes to this earth and lives their life. It might be a long life or it might be short, but most of the basic details are uninteresting. We go about our daily chores, we might marry, we might have children, and we die. No one wants to hear about all of it. .... Each of us has one story ...

MY FAIRY GRAND MOTHER (2000) by Aubrey Mace

Before the Clock Strikes Thirty (2014)

This was a fun, easy read, very likable characters, though the plot was nothing new. Aubrey Mace is great at writing dialogue, which I really appreciate. My only real complaint is the abrupt ending; I could have done with just a little bit more of a wrap up. After all the weddings they attended, ...

Before the Clock Strikes Thirty (2014) by Aubrey Mace

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