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Becoming A Lady (2000)

Becoming A Lady (2000)

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3.3 of 5 Votes: 1
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About book Becoming A Lady (2000)

Was a very cute story!!!! :) LOVED how the characters leaped off the page!! Only sad it was so short in page numbers!! Had great writing style & amusing plot!!!!! Want a sequel of their lives!!!!! Yes, it's short so the main characters fall in love rather quickly, but that's a given for the parameters of the novella!! It was seamlessly woven that it made it believable especially given that era!!!!! Love true clean regency era novels with some add flare of fun!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️☺️HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!!!! It's scandalous to wear undergarments! That has to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Although any touching from the male sex is majorly frowned upon, it's always best to be naked under your dress. Then reading how Dorothy's nether regions are freezing? haha So funny!Seems strange that her grandfather just happens to find out that his son, Dorothy's father died. YEARS PRIOR!!! I get they didn't have telephones and internet and whatnot but still. YEARS!Other than those two points, I found this to be a really good short story. Kind of wish it was longer though.

Do You like book Becoming A Lady (2000)?

It was a good story, though I thought it was a little too rushed.

Cute, short, and sweet.

great love story.

Cute short story

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