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Marie Higgins

Marie Higgins
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.49

Books by Marie Higgins


Hearts Through Time (2011)

I really enjoyed this book. That is big to say in my book because I'm not a travel in time type person or mystery kinda person. I usually have it figured out. Having said that I did have it figured out however the journey was fun and the love story was believble and I really enjoyed this read....

Hearts Through Time (2011) by Marie Higgins

Becoming A Lady (2000)

Was a very cute story!!!! :) LOVED how the characters leaped off the page!! Only sad it was so short in page numbers!! Had great writing style & amusing plot!!!!! Want a sequel of their lives!!!!! Yes, it's short so the main characters fall in love rather quickly, but that's a given for the param...

Becoming A Lady (2000) by Marie Higgins

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