A bright, sparkly picture book great to read out aloud to young children. When Barry makes an appearance deep in the Ocean, all the sea animals gather to meet him. But wait a minute, what’s that? FINGERS! Barry is a fish with shiny fingers! How amazing! Well, everyone except Puffy is amazed. Having stolen his ‘limelight’ Puffy is not fond of this ‘amazing’ fish Barry. That is until one day when Puffy finds his fate lies in Barry’s use of his fingers…Can Barry save Puffy? I read this book to a reception class who simply loved it - possibly more than I did! A funny, heart-warming story which young children quickly take to. Suitable for use within the EYFS, this book could be used to support teaching of friendships, jealousy and helping each other. Ideal to be left in the book corner for children to explore independently after hearing it being read out aloud to them. Huh, well, ok...This book is getting positive reviews. Guess it just isn't my style. Barry, a fish, shows up with fingers and solves all the other fish problems with boredom by showing them what all can be done with fish "fingers." When all the fish decide they want fingers, lo and behold, a box of "fish-fingers" shows up. Literally, fish fingers, as in the ones kids eat for lunch. The fish are all excited; I would of thought they'd be a little horrified. But guess not...
Do You like book Barry The Fish With Fingers (2010)?
Like Beth said - funny and slightly disturbing at the same time.