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Ballet Shoes (2003)

Ballet Shoes (2003)

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0679847596 (ISBN13: 9780679847595)

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I first read this aged about 6 I think and can still remember the feeling of discovering it for the first time (in reply to comments suggesting it be left for the over-10s: I'd say as with everything, it depends on the child but keen readers will almost certainly want to read it much sooner than that. I kept on re-reading and am still at it; every time I find something new).I like all Noel Streatfeild's books but this one probably most of all. The grown-up characters in her other books can sometimes be a little 2D (though after all, that is how children can see them at times). Not here though; you do get both perspectives and it's an unusual book. I've always liked the slightly odd family set-up and the fact that it's assumed the girls will grow up to earn their own livings and be independent - the ending of Dancing Shoes/Wintle's Wonders in comparison I found a let-down [for those who haven't read it, Hilary, a talented ballerina and mimic like so many of Streatfeild's girls, has no ambition and no real desire to do anything with any of her talents which I found frustrating.]I've got to disagree with a lot of others about the recent film. I suppose it was always going to be hard to live up to my expectations, and I know they had to make some changes but I really didn't like the end result. Far too much time taken up with a totally unnecessary romance between Garnie and Mr Simpson. Shipping adult characters/inventing relationships that weren't there is missing the point of the book; leave that for fanfic and focus on the girls and the real story. I found the film also missed the subtlety of Posy's self-centredness and just turned her into an unlikeable brat. In the book she is self-absorbed but you can see why: she is completely dedicated to ballet, and when Madame is taken ill in the book no-one actually tells Posy how bad it is - something they changed in the film so you just think what an unpleasant little brat she is. And why does Winifred in the film need to be a total bitch? Again, her character and relationship with the Fossils in the book was far more subtle and better done. As for the question at the end: well, I'd like to know all of them, but Petrova was always my favourite, and I like the way you get inside her head and see that not everyone wants to be on the stage - and in fact, Petrova is just as confident in her own way about what she does as the other two. If it came down who I'd want to be, there's no question that it would be Petrova. Who wouldn't want to learn to fly?

2.5 StarsI have a confession to make: I didn't like this book. Not really. Pauline, Petrova and Posy just didn't win me over like I thought they would. Maybe part of this is due to the fact that I am not a child, and therefore not the intended audience for this book. But this has not been a problem for me in the past, as I often really enjoy children's books. To start off with, the premise of the book was a little silly. Three sisters, Pauline, Petrova and Posy are found by their Great Uncle Matthew, or as they call him, Gum, in various locations around the world. Gum sends the three girls back to his home in England to be looked after by his niece, Sylvia, and Nana. So in reality, the three girls are only sisters by adoption. The three girls are very different: Pauline loves to act, Petrova is fascinated by motors and cars, and Posy is a beautiful dancer. Ballet Shoes follows the adventures of these three girls as they grow and realize their passions, all while struggling to make money for their family after Gum disappears.Does Gum sound bizarre to you? That's because he is. The plot of the story (what little of a plot there is) revolves around him, as he is the source of their money, and therefore of their monetary difficulties when he disappears. (view spoiler)[We don't actually see Gum until the end of the novel, when he miraculously appears again and acts as if he has not been gone at all. The ending of the book was particularly problematic for me; it all just felt very rushed and sudden. It is decided that Posy will go with Nana to Czechoslovakia to be trained as a dancer, while Pauline is going to Hollywood with Sylvia to be an actress. This leaves Petrova to Gum's guidance. Gum seems like an incredibly unsuitable guardian to me. Petrova barely knows the man, yet she's more than willing to live with him and say goodbye to her sisters? It really just made no sense to me. (hide spoiler)]

Do You like book Ballet Shoes (2003)?

This heart-warming story of three baby girls adopted by an eccentric professor and then abandoned to the care of several maternal figures is strongly reminiscent of Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. Like Alcott’s coming of age novel, this story written and set in the 1930's depression-era London charts the childhood and youth of the girls and describes how, together with their guardians, they try to eke out a genteel lifestyle while tottering at the edge of poverty in the long absence of their father figure, and how in spite of all their deprivations they grow to discover and pursue their individual hopes and dreams. The prose has a simple elegance. The descriptions are full and vivid, with lots of pretty details about clothes, food, walks, auditions, performances, and everything else. Streatfeild captures very realistically the psychology of the little girls, and much is made of seemingly simple matters like what to wear to an audition and how much pocket money they should keep for themselves after contributing to the household income with the money earned from stage performances.I listened to the audio book version read by Elizabeth Sastre. She made a remarkable job of it. Her gentle, refined, sympathetic voice reflects exactly the tone of the novel. Each of the characters is given a distinct voice and brought to vivid life, from the stern and matronly Nana (their nanny) and the anxious and well-meaning Sylvia (their official guardian), to the graceful eldest child Pauline, the more masculine and practical Petrova and the childish yet cutely determined baby of the family, Posy.A truly beautiful and magical read for children and adults alike.
—Pixie Dust

A long-running favourite of my youth, I was inspired to re-read this when I saw the 2007 BBC version of this I decided to hunt up my copy to re-read. This is the story of three sisters, collected by a fossil hunter (GUM or Great Uncle Matthew) and left with his niece Sylvia (aka Garnie for Guardian) and her Nanny and assorted servants. The three grow up, finding themselves very poor. They take in paying guests to make ends meet and these people help the three girls with their education. One of the things that they do to help is have the girls enrolled in a stage school where at least two of them learn skills useful for their future. They go through trials and tribulations and have to make some very adult decisions through the story.It's a kids' story so some things are skimmed rather than explored in real depth but there is a lot more depth in this than you find in many stories and it's interesting to see the empowering qualities of this even at it's age. I have to wonder did we progress much since this interwar story.

My mother doesn't like to read. She's just not that into it, never has been. I, on the other hand, read every day and have, ever since the age of 6. Imagine my surprise, as a 10 year old, when she gave me a copy of "Ballet Shoes" and told me it was her favorite book as a child. During this time, I was obsessed with C.S. Lewis and reading "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" for what felt like the 40th time. But, still, my mother had given me a book, so, the least I could do was read it, right? I'm writing this review after re-reading "Ballet Shoes" yesterday. My friends Bill and Elaine have a four year old who I sometimes watch for them, and I was trying to think up creative alternatives to watching "Ratatouille" for the 17th time. So, I started rifling through my old books and the Fossil sisters literally fell into my lap. I read the first few pages, laughed more than I remembered laughing as a child when GUM says to his 16 year old neice Sylvia "I thought all women liked babies?" as he presents her an orphan he's recently rescued. Like the best children's fiction, "Ballet Shoes" not only holds up well with age, but becomes a completely different book when you revisit it as an adult. The book was published sometime in the 1930's, and while mostly conservative, features two female professors who are unmarried and lived together. If a book published today featured characters like that, it would be all over the media and banished from some elementary schools. What is lovely about Streatfield's writing is that, as a child, it didn't even occur to me that it would be unusual for Dr. Jakes and Dr. Smith to live together and not be married. And as an adult? It matters even less. Dr. Jake's Shakespeare obsession and Dr. Smith's gentle nature are far more interesting as to what these women do when they're not teaching the Fossil sisters. The last line of the book "If other girls had to be one of us, which would they choose?" was a question I pondered many a nights as I drifted off to sleep. Sweet, , people pleaser Pauline? Stubborn, pragmatic Petrova? Self involved, brilliant Posy? As a child, my answer was almost always Petrova, not wanting to seem conceited or over ambitious. But as an adult, I don't know that I could decide. I should read the book again before I made a decision.
—Kristen Boers

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