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Noel Streatfeild

Noel Streatfeild
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Books by Noel Streatfeild


Ballet Shoes (2003)

I first read this aged about 6 I think and can still remember the feeling of discovering it for the first time (in reply to comments suggesting it be left for the over-10s: I'd say as with everything, it depends on the child but keen readers will almost certainly want to read it much sooner than ...

Ballet Shoes (2003) by Noel Streatfeild

Ballet Shoes for Anna (1998)

Melodrama! Oh, the poor, poor orphans! This isn't quite up to par with Streatfeild's best writing but is still a decent, if over dramatic, tale of orphans who overcome tragedy. Having lived a gypsy-type life with their Polish mother and British father, who ran away from his stiff upper-lip fam...

Ballet Shoes for Anna (1998) by Noel Streatfeild

Movie Shoes (1984)

In this story, the Winter family moves from England to the US for six months so that the father can recover from an accident in the nice southern California weather. Coming from war-ravaged London where food is still rationed even though the war (WWII) has been over for a couple of years, the Win...

Movie Shoes (1984) by Noel Streatfeild

Tennis Shoes (2001)

A Noel Streatfeild I never read as a child! First time reading it now - I have The Circus is Coming new to read as well, hooray :)I enjoyed this, but I didn't love it quite as much as her dancing books. Maybe also it's me coming to this fresh as an adult and not reading it with childhood nostalgi...

Tennis Shoes (2001) by Noel Streatfeild

Theater Shoes (1994)

i have been a great fan of the theatre ever since i was a child. i even took a few classes on theatre last year. so it wasn't a very great surprise when this book was the the first to catch my eye on my to the library this week. i had never heard of noel streatfield until i saw this book, but aft...

Theater Shoes (1994) by Noel Streatfeild

Circus Shoes (1985)

Streatfeild's books are often good to inspire kids to be the best that they can be in their chosen field of interest, and to teach them not to settle for mediocrity - if something is worth doing, it is worth doing well. It's probably worth 4.5 stars. I found it thoroughly satisfying to read. The ...

Circus Shoes (1985) by Noel Streatfeild

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