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Awesome Autumn (2012)

Awesome Autumn (2012)

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3.83 of 5 Votes: 4
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0805092102 (ISBN13: 9780805092103)
Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)

About book Awesome Autumn (2012)

This is a very good book to help aid in teaching information about Autumn. This is a non fiction book that can be described to the class as informational texts, so they know that everything in in is based on real life. This book provides so much useful information about fall, and this book also has wonderful realistic photography to help make real life connections to the information. I would use this text to help aid in teaching seasons. The book has a lot of descriptive texts for example, sounds you could associate with fall, or shapes like pumpkins or corn that relate to fall. I really enjoyed this book. It maybe should be geared for an age group such as 2nd or 3rd grade because as I read it to my first grade class I noticed some of the info was a little too complex. I've got to admit...I could really grow to love Autumn if I didn't have to experience winter around the corner. I find very little to like about winter....especially after December 31, but Bruce Goldstone does such an excellent job of celebrating autumn, a winter-hater might have to change her mind. This book belongs in my library collection. The real life photographs capture the beauty of autumn. Students learn things about autumn that they have always wondered about but could never put to words. Any adult could learn something from this book as well. While this book reminded me that my short sleeve days are numbered, it also points to the incredible creativity of an incredibly creative God.

Do You like book Awesome Autumn (2012)?

The perfect fall book for kids elementary age (5-10). Lot's of learning and keeps them interested.

A lively, colorful look at the shapes, sights, sounds, and tastes of Autumn.

A nice book but at times I felt it was trying to do too much.

Simple facts & colorful photos about Autumn.

CC 7

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