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Bruce Goldstone

Bruce Goldstone
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Books by Bruce Goldstone


That's a Possibility!: A Book About What Might Happen (2013)

Really colorful pictures are used to help students understand the math terms that deal with possibility and probability. This would be a good text to use pages individually rather then read it to class cover to cover. This would be good for any grade 3-7 as a way to introduce the concepts and the...

That's a Possibility!: A Book About What Might Happen (2013) by Bruce Goldstone

Awesome Autumn (2012)

This is a very good book to help aid in teaching information about Autumn. This is a non fiction book that can be described to the class as informational texts, so they know that everything in in is based on real life. This book provides so much useful information about fall, and this book also h...

Awesome Autumn (2012) by Bruce Goldstone

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