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Au Lit, Leo! (2009)

Au Lit, Leo! (2009)

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3.73 of 5 Votes: 2
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2226189378 (ISBN13: 9782226189370)
Albin Michel Jeunesse

About book Au Lit, Leo! (2009)

Ed loves to get ready for bed, all the fun things that lead up to it. The hitch comes when once he is tucked and left alone. So night after night he leaves his bed and climbs into his parent's bed. He makes sleeping very very uncomfortable for his parents. They attempt for several night to return him to his bed. Eventually he finds his own solution. As a parent who also deals with a child who is unwilling to sleep in her own bed I enjoyed it. I find Ed's solution comes to easily and is a little unrealistic. The pictures are very cute. I would still recommend this title to parent dealing with their reluctant solo sleeper. Ed enjoys all that leads up to going to bed: playing with Dad, taking a bath, story with Mom, and getting tucked in. But once he was alone in the dark, he didn’t like it any more. So he would tiptoe out to his parents’ bedroom and climb in their bed to sleep. The problem was that his parents weren’t getting much sleep at all with him in there. Finally after sleeping through the alarm and getting up much too late, his parents decided that he could not sleep with them any more. Dad tucked him back into bed and made sure his nightlight was on. But still Ed could not stay in bed – that is, he couldn’t stay in bed until all of his stuffed animals joined him.Braun’s book design is a joy to read. His round headed mice are charming as are the humorous touches he puts in the illustrations. From the baby dumping out its food unnoticed in the background to the favorite stuffed rabbit with the alarmed look on its face at all times, Braun has created a complete world here. His writing is a great length for young listeners who may also be dealing with being scared at bedtime. The writing too has a sense of humor and place.Recommended for any family transitioning out of a family bed (planned or unplanned), all children will enjoy entering this world of friendly mice. Appropriate for ages 3-5.

Do You like book Au Lit, Leo! (2009)?

A good choice for those kids who constantly get back up each night. The art is cute too.

great topic, author is great


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