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Sebastien Braun

Sebastien Braun
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Books by Sebastien Braun


Back to Bed, Ed (2010)

I was surprised that my five-year-old LOVES it. I thought it would be too young for him, but he thinks it's hilarious. We don't have a problem with him coming into our room, he just hates going to bed, period, but once he finally stays there he sleeps just fine in his own room. So I thought that ...

Back to Bed, Ed (2010) by Sebastien Braun

Au Lit, Leo! (2009)

Ed loves to get ready for bed, all the fun things that lead up to it. The hitch comes when once he is tucked and left alone. So night after night he leaves his bed and climbs into his parent's bed. He makes sleeping very very uncomfortable for his parents. They attempt for several night to re...

Au Lit, Leo! (2009) by Sebastien Braun

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