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Airport (2000)

Airport (2000)

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3.89 of 5 Votes: 2
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0425176088 (ISBN13: 9780425176085)

About book Airport (2000)

У меня получилось. Правда, наконец-то я смогла дойти до последней страницы этой книги. Не сказать, чтобы этот путь был трудным, но всегда нам что-то мешало. Уже несколько лет я всем сердцем любила почти всех персонажей, особенно Мела - он ведь прекрасен и как мужчина, и как человек. Нужно ли говорить, что книга также хороша? Нет, причем я бы не сказала, что она отличная от и до. Она просто хороша, и стиль у Хейли такой душевный, приятный. Хотя разве можно этот стиль, со множеством деталей и действительно интересной информацией, назвать душевным? Оказалось, что да. Для меня. Возможно, кто-то считает его слишком научным (ну это громко, конечно, сказано, но вдруг). Книга, в которой все происходит за несколько часов, книга-действие, да тут не над чем размышлять. Ты просто следишь за событиями: переживаешь, испытываешь почти те же эмоции во время кульминации и потом тебя отпускает. Кстати, я думала, что в конце больше ударятся в сопли-слезы-прочее, а в итоге все быстренько разрулили и оставили просто пару абзацев. Спасибо, я ненавижу дочитывать всякие мотивы, что с кем случилось и кто как теперь живет. Единственное, я не ожидала такой концовки. Раскрывать ее не стоит, должен же тот, кому еще предстоит знакомство с книгой, читающий этот текст, попереживать также, как и я.

"Airport" by Arthur Hailey is a thoroughly enjoyable read, about the lives of so many people revolved around an Airport located in Chicago. The supposed protagonist of the story is Mel Bakersfield who is the airport manager, who has a lot of issues at hand, pertaining to extreme snow and wind around the runaway. Apart from the problems at the airport he has to fix his marriage with Cindy, his wife, and mother of his two children, which is about to fall apart. He is having a doubtful relationship with a passenger relations agent called Tanya Livingston, who has her own issues to deal with including an old lady stowaway. There is a Mexican jet stuck in deep snow posing risk for easy landing for several other planes, Mel's brother Keith; an air traffic controller with depression issues from the past, with thoughts on suicide, his brother-in-law Demerest; an outstanding pilot with a record for dating flight stewardesses and who disagrees with Mel on grounds of flight insurance vending machines at airports and neighboring townspeople planning to rage an attack on the airport for extreme noise due to jets taking off. The Airport staffs despite all their personal issues, have to deal with duties at the airport. But all their intentions and preparations are put to risk because of a man with a dangerous exploding device, who surpasses all airport formalities and boards the flight to everyone's doom, including his own.

Do You like book Airport (2000)?

A decent yarn once it gets underway. The only real problem is that it takes about 300 pages of scene-setting and character introductions before there is much in the way of a plot. This was a super best seller in its day. Hailey clearly did a lot of research into the workings of an airport but he makes quite heavy weather of explaining the minutiae of air traffic control and airport management. It's hard to understand now quite what made it such a blockbuster novel. The writing is pedestrian and the plotting is glacial. Mildly entertaining in a soap-opera kind of way even so...
—Huw Collingbourne

Thanks Narek. Sure I'll read it soon. Also tell me if you come across any author who writes similar to Arthur Hailey. Thanks again.Narek wrote: "Gerard you can read Hotel by Arthur Hailey (if not read already)"

After watching the movie, I found out that Airport was originally a novel. I loved the film, so I figured I should give the novel a try. And boy am I glad I did. While the exposition and the beginning of the book are heavy and drag, it is to introduce all of the characters that play important roles as the novel progresses, so while I initially disliked that, I understand it now. The characters, however, a few are interchangeable and a few times I had to really think as to whether the scene focused on Mel or Vernon. Their storylines were so similar in ways that more emphasis needed to be added to their differences. Overall though, a good read for those who aren't afraid to put a lot of time into a book.

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