Do You like book A Philosophical Investigation (2010)?
Mi videoreseña para este libro: libro muy entretenido de "atrapa al psicópata" que mezcla una narración de thriller, digamos, ordinaria, con filosofía, lo cual le da frescura y originalidad. Philip Kerr para ello utiliza la narración en tercera persona centrada en Jake, la inspectora experta en crímenes contra mujeres que investiga el caso, y una narración en primera persona del asesino, que lleva el nombre clave de Wittgenstein, al escribir sus pensamientos en un diario.Que la historia transcurra en 2013, que en la epoca en la que se escribió el libro (los 90) era el futuro, le daba un aire distópico. Esa fecha ya es pasado para nosotros, así que ese impacto queda disminuido y convertido en curiosidad por saber qué acerto y en qué se equivocó el autor al plantear ese futuro. Pero eso no es culpa del escritor, si no de leerlo en 2014.En resumen, un thriller entretenido y fácil de leer, que aunque plantee retos filosóficos, en ningún momento se torna demasiado pesado o esotérico para seguir la persecución policial.
—Libros Prestados
If you want to read the inner monologue of a serial killer trying to ape Wittgenstein's style, then this is the book for you. I would have enjoyed it more if every single one of those chapters had been cut. Also if the portrayal of the female detective had been handled better (is it really necessary for the killer to create and rape a virtual simulation of her when he is not a sexually motivated killer? Is it really necessary for her to feel a bizarre and uncharacteristic attraction to him? Yuck.)
As we rapidly approach the year 2011 it will soon be twenty years since I read this philosophical crime novel and the time in which it was, if only fictionally, set. The novel was recommended to me by an instructor in the Basic Program of Liberal Studies in which I remain a regular student to this day. But on the side I read novels by contemporary authors and Philip Kerr was a welcome discovery. I especially enjoy his thoughtful style with discussion of ideas: certainly appropriate for a book with philosophical in the title. It is both a book and an author to which I may return as I have enjoyed his subsequent work continuing to read it with pleasure.