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Tanya Anne Crosby

Tanya Anne Crosby
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3.78 of 5 Votes: 3
Books: 9 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.77

Books by Tanya Anne Crosby


The MacKinnon's Bride (2012)

In every romance novel you have characters for a lover a lovee and of course a bad guy/villain. This book was not different.The story of Iain, Laird of the MacKinnon’s a descendant of the powerful sons of MacAlpin was a man laden with guilt and a nightmare that he relives every night. He also i...

The MacKinnon's Bride (2012) by Tanya Anne Crosby

Highland Song (2013)

Let's start with my only real complaint about the book,it is too short; as I read this book I kept looking down at my kindling thinking that it was going by too fast.I have read a few other reviews and I cannot agree with the problems others are having with the way the characters spoke(maybe,beca...

Highland Song (2013) by Tanya Anne Crosby

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