Kwestie van eens af te wisselen van klassieke vampieren, dacht ik: tijd om eens een klassieker in het genre boven te halen. We spreken hier eind jaren 1970, láng voor vampieren Twilightgewijs helemaal cutesy-poo waren, en even na Interview with the Vampire.Edward Weyland (niet zijn echte naam) is...
One of my favourite things about working my way through lists of classic science fiction (or any genre fiction, really) is discovering new authors and stories that lead me beyond the list.The latest example of this for me was Suzy McKee Charnas' 1974 book, A Walk to the End of the World, which fo...
Let's start by determining what this book is not:1. It is not accurately described by the back cover copy on my edition, which says,"Alldera was a Fem, and she knew the horrors of the Holdfast, where labor fems and breeding fems were treated worse than beasts."She knew the legends of the free fe...