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Sarah Winman

Sarah Winman
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Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.64

Books by Sarah Winman


When God Was a Rabbit (2011)

It was an ok book. The title captured you immediately, but the storyline was slow and abit dragging... and the reference to god being a rabbit was only a tiny part of it. It almost felt like a false advertisement. The author covered too many significant and hard subjects (ie. the sexual abuse, th...

When God Was a Rabbit (2011) by Sarah Winman

Kani nimeltä jumala (2012)

A novel in two parts, and the parts are quite different in mood.1968: a precocious (and funny) young girl, Elly, tells us about her life; loving parents, film star Aunt Nancy, beloved big brother Joe, best friend Jenny Penny, and of course, her pet rabbit, god.Fast forward to 1995 and the mood da...

Kani nimeltä jumala (2012) by Sarah Winman

Kad dievs bija trusis (2012)

I was intrigued by the title and so opened the cover. Strange book in many ways swinging between trivial and shattering world history items (9/11)Deep and insightful. The relationship between the main character, Elly, and her brother is the main theme with good observations about life, parents et...

Kad dievs bija trusis (2012) by Sarah Winman

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