Така ... Първо, да си кажа, че не очаквах много от тази книга, започвайки я бях решила, че ще си почина от други по-натоварващи и замислящи четива. Смятах, че започвам поредния булеварден роман, който ако не друго, поне ще ме разсейва и ще си почивам с него.Тъкмо обратното - напрягаше ме, замисля...
Bee Hemming is telling her sister Tess about everything she is doing to try to make sense of Tess's apparent suicide. Bee can't believe that Tess would kill herself, and she sets out to prove that her sister was murdered. Every time you think you know what's going on in this story, you turn the p...
This was kind of riding the so-so rails for me. It was good but it wasn't so gripping that I couldn't put it down. The story is told through letter from Beatrice to her missing sister Tess, with random flashbacks to their childhood/conversations thrown in occasionally. I liked the idea of it bein...