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Rebecca Johns

Rebecca Johns
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Books: 4 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.48

Books by Rebecca Johns


La contessa nera (2010)

This biography of the Countess Bathory was a fantastic novel, a wonderful first person description of a descent into madness. At first, I wondered why the book was skipping over the deaths - then I realized they were being skipped over because in her eyes they were barely worth mentioning - and ...

La contessa nera (2010) by Rebecca Johns

A Condessa (2010)

I am Hungarian myself so when I saw this book about a Hungarian countess at Barnes and Noble, I grabbed it immediately. It took me a while to actually get to reading it but I am glad I did. Of course, I have already known about Erzsebet Bathory, learning about her time in my history classes. In f...

A Condessa (2010) by Rebecca Johns

La condesa (2010)

Viagem á Hungria do sec. XVI, até á mulher que, com os seus crimes hediondos, inspirou Bram stoker a escrever a masterpiece que ainda hoje nos gela o sangue.Gostei do fluir da historia, que se lê de um foleo. Está bem estruturada e os flashbacks - porque a historia é contada em estilo de memorias...

La condesa (2010) by Rebecca Johns

The Countess (2010)

El libro esta narrado en primera persona. Son una serie de cartas que la condesa le escribe a su hijo, que van contando su historia. Al principio del libro, se muestra una mujer sumisa, enamorada e ignorada por su marido, luego avanzada la historia se muestra una mujer mas dura, despiadada con su...

The Countess (2010) by Rebecca Johns

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