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Mildred Pitts Walter

Mildred Pitts Walter
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Books by Mildred Pitts Walter


Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World (1990)

Yet again, another book that I read when i was young. And no, I didn't like reading this book either. This book reigns number one and probably forever will remain there, as the most hated book i've ever read my entire life. It was pointless and the biggest waste of my time. I've never shed so man...

Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World (1990) by Mildred Pitts Walter

Second Daughter: The Story of a Slave Girl (1996)

If you like books that are about slavery, read Second Daughter. I say this book is Historical Fiction because slavery took place in the book. I think that this book is a pretty good, but not my favorite. This book took place in 1781 in Massachusetts. A slave Girl Aissa and her big sister Eliza...

Second Daughter: The Story of a Slave Girl (1996) by Mildred Pitts Walter

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