This book feels like a bloated diary of Michio Kaku's unvetted musings about science and technology. At the beginning he compares his efforts in this book to those of Leonardo di Vinci and Jules Verne. He then name drops his way through a wide variety of ideas and topics of which he appears to ha...
This starts as a very interesting book that talks about the intricacies of our brain and the steps science is taking to unravel its mysteries but at the end of the book it just reads like a series of science fiction type conjectures better suited for a movie. I'm not saying it is not possible, it...
A fun an fascinating read! Very interesting look at the future and how close some of the wild stuff is to us right now.
Goodreads needs an option to say that I didn't finish a book, but I dropped it. Very interesting stuff and you can see some of it unfolding as we speak...
Уопште није лако оцијенити ову књигу. Ако је стрпамо у доста широк кош "популарне науке" и упоредимо са књигама те врсте које сам прочитао ове године, Каку је знатно бољи од Млодинова, али и знатно слабији од Хокинга, коме сам, авај, такође дао четворку. Дакле, ово је негдје за око три и по, али ...
An Introduction to HyperspaceThis is an odyssey into the history of development of the concept of hyperspace that includes fourth and higher spatial dimensions to account for the riddles and unsolved problems of unified field theory. Since the postulation of special theory of relativity, Einstein...