THE BLACK SERAPHIM. (1984). Michael Gilbert. ****.One of my favorite authors, Michael Gilbert has here woven a mystery tale around the goings-on among the cathedral community in a southern English town. James Scotland is in this small town in an attempt to treat his job burn-out. His section chie...
"a parte la chiesa cattolica, che è una riconosciuta conoscitrice del comportamento umano, non esiste nessuno più rapido di un avvocato nell'avvertire le prime, vaghe tracce di uno scandalo: quello speciale, sfuggente odore di qualcosa che non è esattamente come dovrebbe essere"giallo molto class...
This is how police procedurals used to be. Written before mobile phone, computers, or the super-modern techy ultra-super forensics police force this novel is superb for research for anyone wanting to get British police procedures correct in the 1950s.The story itself is excellent. Gilbert is a ma...
BOTTOM LINE: #2 of 3 Luke Pagan, MO5, rural Suffolk 1906 and London 1912; gentle thriller. Edwardian intelligence officer and some very nasty spies pre-WW1. Convoluted tale of poor folks in London who want change and are willing to work for it, and of spies from other countries who want to crippl...