A collection of short stories, dealing with various apocalypses. (Wow, that's a weird word to say/type!)Some were actual world ending apocalypses, some just regional apocalypses, some not even what I would necessarily call an apocalypse.All of the stories were well written, McHugh using well tu...
Dans le Maroc du milieu du 22eme siécle, Hariba est une domestique, qui a été "jessed". C'èst a dire que son cerveau a été modifié pour qu'elle soit intrinsèquement loyale à son propriétaire (il s'agit d'indenture volontaire à la Jack Vance, même si la aussi, le coût de racheter son contrat est s...
***WARNING*** This is a reading journal rather than a review, so it will be riddled with unmarked spoilers. You have been warned. China Mountain -- Zhang:- So far, Zhang is nothing like I expected, neither the character nor the book. I expected a cyber-punky action thriller, and it may still beco...