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Mary Whyte

Mary Whyte
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Books by Mary Whyte


Boomer's Big Surprise (1999)

This book is about an older dog who gets replaced with a puppy. He wonders why he is being ignored. After a while the older dog is so sad, but the next thing he knows is that there is a little tongue licking his nose. The new puppy hasn’t forgotten about him! They become best friends. I really li...

Boomer's Big Surprise (1999) by Mary Whyte

Boomer Goes to School (1998)

Boomer is a dog who wants to go to school for show-and-tell. He goes with his boy owner and they eat lunch, play outside during recess, paint during art, listen during story time,and finally present themselves during show-and-tell. All the kids love Boomer. This would be a silly book to read duri...

Boomer Goes to School (1998) by Mary Whyte

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