I like Nixie - well, I actually like Hughes's writing style in this particular book, go figure. I am the first one to scream there's not much art in smut, but this one proves me wrong. I freely admit it may just be the absolute quirkiness of the character and the over-the-top storytelling that ma...
This book was completely hysterical. Was it high literature? No. Did it have much of a storyline? No. But did I just about wee myself laughing at the sheer improbability of it all? You betcha - and that's why it gets 4 stars for what is essentially vampire porn.I got the book for free (cour...
OK I really hate books that start with a missunderstanding or some character assumes something and the plots goes from there. I got 24% into the book and was total turned off when the main character started plotting with the 'ememy' because of her misguided logic. I stopped and didn't read any ...