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Lily Graison

Lily Graison
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3.9 of 5 Votes: 5
Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.96

Books by Lily Graison


The Lawman (2011)

I normally don’t like old western Romances, with salons, town sheriff’s, and lady’s with big fluffy dresses. This book on the other hand just sucked me right in to the story line. This book was a delight to read! Abigail was running from someone in her past. She needed to get married, and change ...

The Lawman (2011) by Lily Graison

Tempt Me Not (2000)

I really struggled, thinking on which rating to give this book. I feel terrible rating anything a two. There is potential in this author and this book. The story was cute, even. But I expect more in terms of editing and knowledge of English (example: the author incorrectly using "suppose" instead...

Tempt Me Not (2000) by Lily Graison

A Willow Creek Christmas (2000)

I just discovered this author and read this book in one sitting. I really enjoyed her writing style and she did a great job of conveying the feeling of what it must have been like to live back then, and the desperation a widowed mother of two young children must have felt. The situation that thre...

A Willow Creek Christmas (2000) by Lily Graison

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