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Krystal Wade

Krystal Wade
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Books by Krystal Wade


Wilde's Fire (2012)

Cap.1 Katriona Wildes sueña, y mucho. En sus sueños ama a un guerrero, sufre su muerte, es perseguida por demonios, etc. Cuando despierta, se va de campamento al bosque, con su hermana y su mejor amigo Brad, que esta enamorado de ella aunque Katriona insiste en negar la realidad. Cap.2. Ve una l...

Wilde's Fire (2012) by Krystal Wade

Wilde's Army (2012)

Still in love with this series, still crying and laughing! Krystal has sucked me in with Darkness Falls, more so than a lot of very good novels I have read recently. I truly love this storyline, and the main character. I have casted th characters in my head already, now they just need to make a m...

Wilde's Army (2012) by Krystal Wade

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