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Kristyn Crow

Kristyn Crow
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Books by Kristyn Crow


Zombelina (2013)

Zombelina a zombie, swaying and moaning, boogying with bats. When she is sent to a proper ballet school, the human girls instantly dislike her. (Maybe because she's a zombie and will probably eat their brains but that's beside the point.) The look of revulsion on their faces...

Zombelina (2013) by Kristyn Crow

Bedtime at the Swamp (2008)

Kristyn spoke at the SCBWI conference I went to today, and I love the rhythms of her books, which will make it fun to read out loud. And the twist in this, especially the last page spread, is very cute and clever. Just the swamp and monster will be enough for my four-year-old to love it, but to...

Bedtime at the Swamp (2008) by Kristyn Crow

The Middle-Child Blues (2009)

Lee is the middle child in his family and he's not happy about it. He's too big to play with his little sister's friends and his big brother and his friends don't want him around. His big brother gets to stay up later and his little sister doesn't have any chores. So he get's out his guitar and s...

The Middle-Child Blues (2009) by Kristyn Crow

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