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K.M. Shea

K.M. Shea
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.91

Books by K.M. Shea


Beauty and the Beast (2013)

I love when authors take a fairy tale and twist it into a new story. I was happy to find this book....and eagerly dove into the book. I do not know a lot about Beauty and the Beast, so I figured there was a lot that could be done. This story takes the story of Beauty and the Beast...and doesn't r...

Beauty and the Beast (2013) by K.M. Shea

Princess Ahira (2000)

WARNING: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE A HUMAN SPELL-CHECK OR A GRAMMAR NAZI (its' self published and yah... even i noticed some spelling errors.) That being said, i thoroughly liked this book. It was fun, clean, and more than that, it was interesting. Some will compare it to "Dealing with Dragons" by P...

Princess Ahira (2000) by K.M. Shea

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