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K.C. Burn

K.C. Burn
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Books: 10 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.81

Books by K.C. Burn


Cop Out (2011)

This would normally have been a DNF, but I needed something simple to read on a road trip with other people chatting in the car. This was certainly simple. Aside from the interesting premise, it was entirely predictable. I realize Davy's in shock and grieving and that his dead partner was the bos...

Cop Out (2011) by K.C. Burn

Dentro o fuori (2012)

Avant toute chose, il faut que je vous dise, j’adore Davy et je déteste Ben. Ça, c’est dit. Maintenant je peux commencer ma chronique en tant que telle.Le Chemin de l’acceptation donc, c’est le parcours de Kurt, policier un peu mal dans sa peau, un peu considéré comme un bébé par ses parents et s...

Dentro o fuori (2012) by K.C. Burn

Evadiendo los Problemas (2012)

Really enjoyed this book. The first half was somewhat slow, but then the story picked up..I loved Kurt. He was so damn sweet and nice...I was in such a worry over him - it was really difficult for him to come to terms with the truth about himself, and do all this alone. I'd have resented Davy for...

Evadiendo los Problemas (2012) by K.C. Burn

Cover Up (2012)

I think I gave this book 3.5 stars (on BL, rounded down here) just because I'm just not sure what to think and I don't remember the last time a book stumped me like this. The first part of this book frustrated the hell out of me because it just seemed like there was a lot of whining going on by b...

Cover Up (2012) by K.C. Burn

Spice ‘n’ Solace (2011)

Ok, so I’m not normally a fan of rent boy stories, I just struggle with the whole paying for sex thing and multiple partners. I’m not a stickler for monogamy so much as commitment to the one or ones you choose. But this, this I adored! I really enjoyed both these characters so much and a lot o...

Spice ‘n’ Solace (2011) by K.C. Burn

Cast Off (2013)

I like this series. I especially liked Kurt in book one, and was happy to have his brother Ian featured in this story. Kurt and Ian really have a great family and one can only hope that there are real families like that in the world.Ian and Rick don't have a very easy time of it. There are hidden...

Cast Off (2013) by K.C. Burn

Alien 'n' Outlaw (2012)

I absolutely loved this story. It has every ingredient I love. Alien sex and...uh. Okay, that's really all I needed to love this book to bits. This story was far more interesting than the first book. I found R'kos to be utterly adorable, horny and clueless while Darien was amusingly horny.One of ...

Alien 'n' Outlaw (2012) by K.C. Burn

First Time, Forever (2012)

This was a DNF for me ... I had a couple of problems with this story which kept me from finishing ... firstly, I resented the implication that turning 40 was old!!! ... I'm in my mid 40's and despite the odd ache, twinge and pain, I don't consider 40 (or 45) the end of the world! Trevor's constan...

First Time, Forever (2012) by K.C. Burn

Rainbow Blues (2014)

I've already spent way too much money on books this month, but I simply could not resist the blurb on this one and simply had to have it and I don't regret making the purchase. The title, Rainbow Blues, originally referred to blue collared gay guys, but pretty early on in the book that angle was ...

Rainbow Blues (2014) by K.C. Burn

Pen Name - Doctor Chicken (2013)

Me encantaron ambos personajes. Me ha parecido un libro tierno y divertido. Me gustaron mucho las escenas de sexo; últimamente me resultan aburridas y repetitivas, pero en este libro me encantaron, la escena en sí, el momento en que las introduce, la química entre los personajes. Me hubiera gusta...

Pen Name - Doctor Chicken (2013) by K.C. Burn

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