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Janelle Denison

Janelle Denison
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3.88 of 5 Votes: 4
Books: 8 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.8

Books by Janelle Denison


Kiss Of An Angel (2000)

Amanda was Johnny's childhood sweetheart - his true love and soul mate. They were about to get married when a horrible accident took Amanda's life. Through a strange twist of fate, Amanda becomes Johnny's guardian angel and returns to Earth to save him from someone who wishes to take his life.Kis...

Kiss Of An Angel (2000) by Janelle Denison

Wilde Thing (2003)

Reviewed for THC ReviewsWilde Thing is a super-hot contemporary romance that definitely touches on the erotic with a little mystery on the side. The book, without a doubt, focuses in on the steamy love scenes with the mini-mystery and relationship development taking a back seat, but all things co...

Wilde Thing (2003) by Janelle Denison

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