‘Peyton Place’ fue escrito en los años 50; el éxito fue tan grande que luego llegó una secuela. Después, la novela se convirtió en película, y finalmente en serie de televisión, que probablemente es la forma que más le pegue a esta historia, porque al fin y al cabo es un culebrón. Lo sabía antes ...
This was, perhaps, the weakest of all of Metalious's works. The characters and stories are disjointed, and setting is not enough to tie them together. I feel as though Metalious was looking at her characters as a series of misfits, and trying to pull them in as many directions as possible until t...
Mislim da je najveći razlog zašto volim romane ''Gradić Payton'' i ''Povratak u gradić Payton'' upravo taj što se malograđanština opisana u romanu može primjeniti na svako malo mjesto bilo ono u Americi ili bilo gdje drugdje. Živeći u malom selu u kojem svako sve zna, nisam mogla ne poistovjetiti...