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Felix Francis

Felix Francis
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Books: 7 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.77

Books by Felix Francis


Õnnemäng (2011)

Thank goodness we have Felix writing these books now. I enjoyed this book, and it has enough of the style of material that we have grown to enjoy from his father's writing.I liked the definition of the characters and the plot, but I did wonder how Nicholas's neck stood up to some of the action.:...

Õnnemäng (2011) by Felix Francis

Bloodline, A Dick Francis Novel (2012)

When legendary author Dick Francis passed away, most of us assumed that his insanely good racing-themed mysteries would die with him. With more than 40 volumes to his credit, Francis was one of my favorite authors growing up, a product of my Grandmother's love for Readers' Digest Condensed Books....

Bloodline, A Dick Francis Novel (2012) by Felix Francis

Bloodline. by Felix Francis (2012)

I would give this book three and a half stars if that was an option. "Bloodline" is a solid mystery with a variety of interesting characters. Felix Francis does a good job describing the details in the professional life of Mark Shillingford, a horse racing commentator, who is the protagonist. Mar...

Bloodline. by Felix Francis (2012) by Felix Francis

Dick Francis's Bloodline (2012)

Felix Francis has continued his father's formula of writing a mystery which teaches readers something about horse racing and about another profession. This is one of my favorite things about these books. The main character didn't seem to have as much emotional depth, as though the words and the c...

Dick Francis's Bloodline (2012) by Felix Francis

Refusal (2013)

I've loved Dick Francis' books since I was in high school, and own a complete collection of his novels. To say that the son does not live up to his father's writing would be understating the obvious. I've been trying to read through his books. I powered through Silks, and Gamble... but the fire t...

Refusal (2013) by Felix Francis

Dick Francis's Refusal (2013)

I've been on a Francis marathon reading frenzy -- catching up on the four or five novels that I have missed since they have been either co-written or under Felix's byline. This was definitely the best! The pace was fast, the heightened suspense, the clever plot and the revisiting of a favorite pr...

Dick Francis's Refusal (2013) by Felix Francis

Dick Francis's Damage (2014)

Taking a step beyond Sid Halley, Jeff Hinkley is a trained intelligence agent working on behalf of British racing, so when illegal drugs start showing up in unexpected horses, the racing authorities set Jeff on the trail.That part of the book was great, full of the little details that made me lov...

Dick Francis's Damage (2014) by Felix Francis

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