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Ember Casey

Ember Casey
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3.94 of 5 Votes: 4
Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.94

Books by Ember Casey


His Wicked Games (2000)

I would not have read this were it not a freebie on iBooks. Considering the last billionaire erotic story I read, ie. the Worst Book I've Ever Read, this was surprisingly fresh, despite all the tropetastic elements. Trying to get funding for a good cause, getting stuck with a rich and gorgeous gu...

His Wicked Games (2000) by Ember Casey

Sweet Victory (2014)

Sweet Victory is like a big epilogue to the duology of His Wicked Games series..This book was short but so entirely filled with love and passion and emotion that it's hard not to love this book.And Calder. :PWhat this book is about is glaringly obvious from the start. It's just like a big forepla...

Sweet Victory (2014) by Ember Casey

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