Not really sure how I feel about this book. The fact that I didn't read it quickly is usually a bad sign but it wasn't that I didn't like it, something was just off. I really liked all the characters and the story line. I love the time period and the take on faeries being evil beings. I think it'...
Thoughts on the Overall Book: This book definitely has an interesting concept and is an entertaining enough read. Not quite sure it did enough for me, but I'll explain that later.Cover--Yea or Nay: I do like the cover, you can't see the girl's face, and I do like blades on bookcovers ;)Characters...
I seriously LOVED this book. I LOVE IT. Love. Love it.Aileana, "Kam", is pretty awesome. For kick-butt girls, her falconer heritage and abilities are totally great and she's all kinds of messed-up, multi-layered great. I really like all her faults, the worst of which feels catastrophic. She want...
RATING: 2.5 starsJá estou sinceramente a ficar farta de escrever opiniões más e “assim-assim”. Ok, eu adoro uma boa sessão de criticismo, especialmente quando o livro não me cativou e/ou chateou mas tudo o que é demais enjoa.Acho que é esta uma das razões pelas quais não me tem apetecido escrever...