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Diane Stanley

Diane Stanley
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Books: 4 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.79

Books by Diane Stanley


The Silver Bowl (2011)

This is a good book. A young girl is brought to the castle in her town by her father so that she can work there. She eventually works her way up to being a silver polisher. She is in charge of polishing a silver bowl that talks to her while she is polishing it. It shows her that there is a curse ...

The Silver Bowl (2011) by Diane Stanley

The Mysterious Case of the Allbright Academy (2007)

I stayed up all night to finish this book but it's not as good as it turn out to be. It's a great disappointment, not even the ending is to my satisfaction. I mean if something is great why fix or destroy it. I would just live it for the better but since you knew the truth then you have a choice....

The Mysterious Case of the Allbright Academy (2007) by Diane Stanley

Saving Sky (2010)

Saving Sky by Diane Stanley is an interesting book that takes place in the near future. Sky's family lives in New Mexico on a farm. Her mom is a nurse in Santa Fe, her dad is an artist but because of the war currently shoes horses. Sky also has a younger sister, Mouse. This family of four liv...

Saving Sky (2010) by Diane Stanley

The Cup and the Crown (2012)

I loved the first in the series and so I was looking forward to the Cup and the Crown. Despite some glorious adventure scenes I really couldn't get into the story and I wasn't able to suspend my disbelief (a little voice in the back of my head kept asking 'really?'). Part of my disappointment cou...

The Cup and the Crown (2012) by Diane Stanley

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