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Diana DeRicci

Diana DeRicci
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Books by Diana DeRicci


The Charlie Factor (2011)

This book was good, but not great. There was too much internal dialogue. I am okay with people thinking, but geeze! The book was also in the POV of both the MC's. I love this, but you need to make it clear what POV you are coming from. Sometimes I was so confused I had no idea who was speaking. A...

The Charlie Factor (2011) by Diana DeRicci

Doing Love Right (2011)

Why in the world would Julian ever want to even bother with RJ? The whole plot felt forced. I like visiting with the characters from earlier books, but otherwise ... eh. I never understood how Julian became obsessed with RJ from only one meeting and then waited over a YEAR to have a chance wit...

Doing Love Right (2011) by Diana DeRicci

Tougher To Love (2012)

Nice story though there were a couple of things that gave me pause. There were very few issues and those that were there were solved rather (too) quickly. It started out good and the relationship between Ian and Caleb progressed perfectly. Friendship first and then on to sex and love. I liked...

Tougher To Love (2012) by Diana DeRicci

Beneath the Shield (2011)

Can an ER doctor mend the broken policeman? Jack was broken from his guilt for failing to save his partner/ lover/ mentor Leo. Brant was an ER doctor that just moved to town. He was breaking up with his cheating lover, Ryan, when the off-duty policeman came to his defense. It turned out their job...

Beneath the Shield (2011) by Diana DeRicci

Run with the Moon (2012)

3.5 stars rounded up. Chris Rose, one of the local vets in the small town of Shilo comes upon Jamie walking into town. He's been badly beaten and on foot for 5 days trying to escape his life. At 22, things have gone from bad to worse for him after he tells his dad he's gay. Jamie is dehydrate...

Run with the Moon (2012) by Diana DeRicci

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