Exceptionally well hidden life lessons written by a cat - a clever way to convince me to rip through a book about buddhism, mantra's, darma and hairballs. It's still lightweight and easy to read and doesn't get too much into the spiritual details which will put some people off. The pacing is nice...
In een sloppenwijk van Delhi verkopen twee jongetjes jonge katjes, te vroeg uit hun nest gehaald. Het jongste diertje is echter te vuil en te zwak niemand heeft er belangstelling voor. De jongens verpakken het in een krant en willen het weggooien. Toevallig komt net de auto van de Dalai Lama voor...
What a beautiful look into the life of Dalai Lama :)Surreal, special book :)Immensely enjoyable antics and life of one Himalayan cat, who also happened to be the narrator of this book, made me read it cover to cover with a wide grin plastered on my face.The book had so much wisdom packed in humou...
I absolutely loved this book. It was funny, heart-warming and insightful. It is actually the first book I've read where I began to understand what Buddhism is about. I always had a vague idea about being kind and compassionate, but apparently being told by a cat, and observing manifestations of t...