Like the previous books in the series, the story begins with Garric, Liane, Sharina, Cashel, Ilna and Tenoctris all together, comtemplating their next moves to unite the Isles. But they are soon whirled apart. Garric is tricked by a wizard and wakes up in the body of a young idiot man, many years...
In the 5th novel of the series, Garric and his friends reach the city of Carcosa, where there is tension between the three priesthoods. When Tenoctris, accompanied by Cashel, tries to find out whether one temple is a trap, evil magic is set upon them, leaving Cashel with a choice - die in its gra...
Servant of the Dragon is the third book in the Lord of the Isles series by David Drake and I am currently reading it. So far it is pretty good - with the same kind of elements found in the prior books. Huge problems are discovered and then solved with suprising ease. However, both Sharina and Cas...
From Publishers Weekly No one who read Drake's first account of Lt. Daniel Leary's adventures in With the Lightnings will be surprised at the appearance of this sequel; that novel clearly launched a series. What is surprising, however, is the wonderfully strong quality of the follow-up. Althoug...
Book 5 of the twelve orignal TW anthology novels starts a plot arc with "mysterious invaders" that show up, look like fish, and don't do much else. TW isn't a series with a big-picture focus, though, so the presence of these invaders is more or less artfully *shown* through the new gritty experie...
En ciencia ficción el pastiche de la novela náutica napoleónica es equivalente al pastiche tolkieniano en fantasía. La gran diferencia, empero, es que el segundo llegó a niveles extraordinariamente trillados y el primero desde sus inicios sonó muy forzado, búsquese donde se busque. De cualquier m...
Странна, противоречива, на моменти много интересна, на други – скучновата. С една дума – наистина нееднозначна книга, това е „Разкази от Кръчмата При Еднорога”. По същината си това са седем разказа от седем автора, които се развиват в един и същ фентъзи сетинг. Може да ви прозвучи натруфено, но м...
After Clash by Night David Drake did do a real good job in expanding the "universe" that "Henry Kuttner" had laid out. And given Drake's penchant style with Hammer's Slammers overall I can say that this two novella book reminds me (at least The Jungle novella) of Halo: Nightfall, where there's th...