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Chuck Dixon

Chuck Dixon
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.17

Books by Chuck Dixon


Dean Koontz's Frankenstein, Volume 1: Prodigal Son (2008)

Dean Koontz wrote a great introduction about why he chose to redo the story of Frankstein. This is my first comic book so I'm sorry if my review is on the short side. My boyfriend got Prodigal Son for me from the library, because he knows I'm a Dean Koontz fan. I quickly got into the story and w...

Dean Koontz's Frankenstein, Volume 1: Prodigal Son (2008) by Chuck Dixon

Batgirl/Robin Year One (2013)

Collecting the volumes Robin: Year One and Batgirl: Year One, this book is a must read for Batman fans. It shows us the early adventures of Batman's first sidekicks, in their tumultuous first year as young crimefighters.Robin Year One is a very nuanced and character driven story, told from the pe...

Batgirl/Robin Year One (2013) by Chuck Dixon

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