Christopher Ransom si presenta al pubblico con una opera prima che lascia il segno. Leggendo i pochi riferimenti biografici reperibili online, si apprende che la sua scrittura è stata influenzata da scrittori del calibro di Dan Simmons, Stephen King, Clive Barker e Jack Ketchum, ma questo lo si s...
I've got nothing to add that others haven't already said; this book simply didn't deliver. The main character, Conrad, was a severely unlike able schmuck and the only scary thing in the story. I disliked him and all the characters in the book so much that I didn't care what happened to any of the...
Some good aspects, changing perspectives from different characters, with a mysterious flashback thrown in here and there, a promising plot builds as we get to know the family and the problems they are facing. Unfortunately, not quite enough to draw from the run of the mill movie clichés, and at ...
In my personal opinion, after reading all of Christopher Ransom’s books, this is his best piece of work and hasn’t been giving the recognition that his other books (particularly The Birthing House and The People Next Door) have been given.If you’ve read any of his other books I would most certain...